Rose Hamilton

Rose Hamilton

Rose Hamilton brings a fascinating life context to the real estate industry and her clients. Born and raised in New England, she has lived, travelled, and worked throughout the European Union and North America.  

Rose’s education and working life are a rich tapestry of leadership experience and skills in sustainable community & economic development, community-based cultural heritage preservation, and small business ownership.  Rose has also been a touring classical musician, journalist & editor, and community nutritionist specialized in indigenous foods and traditions.  She is an award-winning poet, publishing under a pen-name, and an experienced gaff-rig sailor.

Living as an immigrant in several countries, in just about every kind of place from major cities to rural agricultural communities, Rose has gained proficiency in multiple languages including Dutch and Danish. She is comfortable and empathetic with people from any culture or background.

Rose presently lives on a farm in rural Annapolis, learning and practising permaculture methods while being bossed around by a gang of chickens.  She and her ancestors and descendants are typical redheads: hard-working, good neighbours, creative, curious, and (of course) always on for a good story.

Community and humanitarian advocacy are strong threads in Rose’s life since childhood.  Rose's dedication is evident through her voluntary work with refugees, local community boards, and Lions International.

Currently, Rose focuses on serving areas such as Bridgewater, New Germany, and parts of Annapolis County, leveraging her experience and expertise to facilitate sustainable community development. Her understanding of community cohesion, aging in place, and generational property ownership underscores her commitment to fostering mutual benefit and well-being within these communities.